Friday, November 21, 2014

Today I feel.... well grateful.  I usually wake up with my sweet husband at 5am when he is getting ready for work and take my medicines. Today I didn't wake up until 6am which by that time my pain was not in check.  It's not good when my mornings start like that.  Not good at all.  On top of the pain of RSD I am currently passing a decent size kidney stone.  Hmmmmm.  I have had several seizures as in a ton over the last week.  I had 9 in a 24 hour last Friday, and have had continous seizures since.  On a positive note all of these seizures have (what Jeremy and I suspect) caused my muscles to be used more and for the last several days have not required a walker or wheelchair which has been amazing.  Today I am thankful for my two oldest sons.  The other day I was alone and received a phone call from the middle school clinic telling me I needed to come get Payton (of course I cannot drive) so I called my mom and she brought him home to me.  Within minutes of him getting home I had a pretty violent seizure.  I was so grateful he was here as I would not have been able to get my necessary medicines.  I found out that Payton was just sitting in his class when he felt the Holy Ghost and it was a strong impression to come home to be with me.  He listened and I am grateful.  This morning my Jacob was helping me a lot even though he technically wasn't my assigned helper today, but I had a strong impression to ask him would he mind staying home from school even though today is the last day before Thanksgiving break and they would be doing fun things at school.  He said yes mama I would love to.  I started to cry and he said why are you crying?  We both chose this.  I chose this- to come and help you, and you chose me before we even came to this earth we knew what we would be doing here.  You would be sick, and we would be taking care of you.  We are happy to do this mama.  Don't cry.  Be happy.  Well 30 minutes later I had a seizure.  Jacob took perfect care of me during it and also said a sweet tender prayer.  I am so thankful for my sweet beautiful children.

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